Thursday, January 29, 2015


29 January 2015//:

@Thirteen, Klein, here and now signing on...

"Love of beauty is taste. The creation of beauty is art." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Taking joy in living is a woman's cosmetic. Beauty in all forms is an art, an expression of wondrous gifts. To translate beauty and aesthetics to architecture is yet no peculiar. I am so blessed to be associated with a friend who practice and nourish this interest and field. She is Pea Gonzales. A professional hair and make-up artist in Pampanga. She is the closest woman in my heart. Perhaps our friendship has lived the cliché proverb: "Birds with same feather flock together." Appreciation to beauty whether in different form has been the common breathing ground of our foundation. Pea is behind the successful 10k-IG-followed online shop: The Make Up  Junction and has discussed her plans of having her own studio after she had countless professional trainings, classes, and seminars.

The site is strategically located in Sto. Domingo, Angeles City (beside the LTO Office). Accessible to different cities and big event venues. The concept is very simple. She wants a lavishing design that supports the prime essence of the studio: to provide an astonishing beauty to people. So I had no doubt in designing the studio with a style that is relative to woman through the curves, twirls, the intricacy of details, and all its coordinates. As Charles Eames would say, "Design is a plan arranging elements in such a way as best to accomplish a particular purpose". Planning a makeup studio is easy since space and furniture requirements and their corresponding standard dimensions are given. Harmonizing all the elements to create a solid image for the studio is the challenge.

"Architecture should speak of its time and place, but yearn for timelessness." -Frank Gehry

The classic beauty was expressed through a design which manifest the secret of natural law. The goal in this architecture project and interior styling is to embody beauty by providing a clean palette for the make-up scene yet boosting what is anticipated to be brought about.

I tell you, I will sound like a parrot as I would redundantly use "beauty" in this blog post, so might as well see for yourself my definition of beauty with respect to architecture and so how I translate it.

Other than enhancing what is conceived to be beautiful, there lies the challenge of discipline and control on over-flattering ornaments and details. Obviously, the accent on the studio is on the vanity mirror. It is important to highlight the face of the woman with picturesque frames with complimenting elegance and class.

I also had the center wall augmented with a Wallpaper, not to steal the attention from the vanity mirror but to increase the integrity of the moulded image brand. Looking at the business card of Pea, you will recognize the same or if not close enough pattern and design of the Wallpaper. Not to mention that the color palette presented in the studio were actually based from the image brand (in the logo). 

To Sir Norman Foster, "Architecture is an expression of values." Tonight, you had a glimpse of the lighter value we take in account: BEAUTY. Whether we admit it or not, It counts and it matters. It's for us to classify it. After all, for us, it is the balance between simplicity and of beauty being in details. I hope I have not made your perspective on this matter more complicated now. My words now may be shuffled and vague as I write down my inputs, but hopefully through the images, you can appreciate what we have. A lovely good night people!

Behind the scenes:

Klein, here and now, signing off://

For hair and make-up services (also offering air brush make up):

For architectural design and interior styling:

#architecture #interiorstyling #design #visualconceptualization #interiordecorate #projects #makeupjunction #makeupstudio #peagonzales #beauty #aesthetics

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